My name is Erin and I am a cavernous malformation survivor. In 2013 [during] my senior year of college…I drove seven hours home for spring break. That Monday, not even 3 days home, I got very sick… All of a sudden it felt like spiders were on my back and [my parents] called 911. [In the hospital] my dad tells me that my brain is bleeding… I had a 3cm cavernous malformation on the left side of my brain. It had burst and caused me to have seizures. How does one process all of this, while still in a hospital bed?! It was a very scary time and a whole new way of living. I couldn’t drive, had to move back onto campus and pray every day that I didn’t have a seizure. Luckily I graduated college on time and didn’t have another seizure.
Fast forward to 2015, I met an amazing neurosurgeon who listened and took me seriously and she ran every test to make sure I was able to have surgery. On March 31st 2015 I went to George Washington College Hospital and had my surgery. 6 hours later with 32 staples and a stitch the whole team removed the malformation without any problems! After the surgery I have had some setbacks (more seizures, headaches and memory loss) but as of today I have been seizure free for three years and have less headaches and have been so much more active! Today I am living in Richmond, VA with my husband and two cats. I am always so proud to share my story and being a survivor!!