Category: Cavernous Malformation
Jenniffer’s Story
My name is Jenniffer and I have been recently been diagnosed with CCM disease, I have had seizures since I was 14 years old. My first brain bleed was found about 2007, then in 2011 I had my first brain surgery to remove a cavernous angioma. Fast track to now, I was finally diagnosed with…
Lola’s Story
My story, is actually my Granddaughters story! At the very young age of 3 months, I realized she was having seizures. My daughter, who has epilepsy, is the reason I recognized the seizures. I called my daughter and brought the baby to the ER. There we demanded that they do a CT on my Grandaughter. The…
Patti’s Story
I too am a cavernous malformation survivor. I was 43 years old, on New Years Eve 2007. I started the day feeling sick and dizzy. By that afternoon I could not stand, talk, walk or visually focus on anything. I had severe headaches for several years but I attributed them to my hectic work schedule…
Katelyn’s Story
I can definitely say my life has not been the same since the evening of March 1st, 2020 when I was sitting in my college dining hall with my two best friends and I began to see flashes in my eyes and my legs went completely numb. My gut instinct knew something was wrong so…
Sharon’s Story
Sharon’s inspirational story of life beyond cavernous malformations: On Friday, Dec 5th, 2014 at the age of 42, I came home from work and as I sat on the couch I noticed a funny feeling in my back. By Sunday night I was in pain like I had never felt. I could not sleep and…
Deb’s Story
Deb’s inspiring story of turning her struggles into an award-winning book: In Fall 2006, when I was 46, I was diagnosed with multiple cavernous angiomas—I’d experienced fleeting symptoms (dizziness, vertigo, loss of balance, numbness and tingling in my left arm) which only lasted a couple of days. Apparently, two of the angiomas had bled. A…
Jordan’s Story
Jordan’s story of strength and hope: In 2006, during my 2nd year of college I was diagnosed with epilepsy. It started out as absence seizures, daydreams. Once I knew what was going on it all made sense. How all those years prior in classes I’d miss out on key info. Likely the cause of the…

Heather Gross
Here’s Heather’s Inspiring Story: When I was a 22-year-old college student, I had a random brain hemorrhage caused by a Cavernous Angioma on my right Thalamus. There was no known treatment and the only cure was brain surgery but my lesion was too deep in my brain to reach safely so the doctors told me…
I am Tamela Wagner, also known as Tamela Blessed Art. A creator of hope and happiness! My life changed in the blink of an eye when I was diagnosed in 2011 at age 44 with a rare brain disease called Cavernous Angioma. In 2012 I had brainstem surgery that many surgeons told me would be…
My name is Erin and I am a cavernous malformation survivor. In 2013 [during] my senior year of college…I drove seven hours home for spring break. That Monday, not even 3 days home, I got very sick… All of a sudden it felt like spiders were on my back and [my parents] called 911. [In the…
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