Here’s Heather’s Inspiring Story:
When I was a 22-year-old college student, I had a random brain hemorrhage caused by a Cavernous Angioma on my right Thalamus. There was no known treatment and the only cure was brain surgery but my lesion was too deep in my brain to reach safely so the doctors told me to just live my life. My lesion bled a total of 5 times in 11 months. The fifth one was considered a massive stroke and completely paralyzing the left side of my body. At this point, I had no choice but to have brain surgery before this lesion kills me. I was 23 years old and had a 9-hour craniotomy. They successfully removed the Cavernous Angioma but I was still paralyzed from the stroke. I fought hard, relearned how to walk and live one handed in a two-handed world. I now am 29 years old, own my own house, work full time, and I have a very wonderful life!